Our microbiome consists of a unique collection of gut bacteria. Without this healthy gut bacteria we would become malnourished, our gut bacteria make an array of essential vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, it is no surprise that children with abnormal gut bacteria usually present with multiple nutritional deficiencies. It only takes approximately 838 days for babies to develop their adult microbiome. This presents parents with an important window of opportunity to help promote a healthy diversity of good bacteria. The absence of good bacteria always coincides with bad bacteria growing out of control, which makes any health condition much worse! Signs of an unhealthy microbiome can present early-on and have been associated with conditions such as autism, digestive sensitivities, mood and behaviour disorders, a lowered immune response among other common signs and symptoms such as frequent ear infections.
The number and combinations of different gut microbes, good and bad are varied and unique. Identifying your child’s unique microbiome make-up is important in developing a personalised plan to directly address specific imbalances.
To promote healthy bacteria the following general steps are recommended: (Always introduce slowly and one recommendation at a time as age appropriate):
- Delaying first bath of your newborn baby, WHO recommends 24 hours
- Probiotics specific to age and symptoms. Probiotics formulas for babies are available from newbornÂ
- Breastfeeding baby if possibleÂ
- Kefir non-dairy yogurt
- Organic vegetables, fruits and protein
- Good quality fats
-Good quality prebiotics
- Avoiding unnecessary antibiotics. Building up the immune response Advanced gut microbiome analysis is recommended to address specific health goals. Please contact Ignite Heal for further support E: ‪admin@igniteheal.com‬ or What’s App ‪+65 9424 0027‬
For a complimentary 15 minute ‘Discovery Appointment’ to answer your questions.
Drisko IA at al. Probiotics in health maintenance and disease prevention. Alternative Medicine Review, 2003, vol 8, number 2.
Hoyos AB (1999). Reduced incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis associated with enteral administration of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium infantis to neonates in intensive care unit. Int J Infect Dis 1999 Summer; 3(4):i97-202.
Voronin AA, Taranenko LA, Sidorenko SV. 1999. Treatment of intestinal dys- bacteriosis in children with diabetes mellitus (Russian). Antibiotiki I Khimotempiia, 1999, 44(3):22-4.
Galipeau HJ, McCarville JL, Huebener S, Litwin O, Meisel M, Jabri B, Sanz Y, Murray JA, Jordana M, Alaedini A, Chirdo FG. Intestinal Microbiota Modulates Gluten-Induced Immunopathology in Humanized Mice. The American journal of pathology. 2015 Nov 30;185(11):2969-82.